Clinical Classes

Fluid Physio offers a range of guided classes allowing you to exercise safely under the careful supervision of our physiotherapists & exercise physiologists (EP).

Matwork & Reformer Classes

Physio-Led Mat Work Exercise – Beginner

Physio led introductory level mat work with a focus on core activation and neutral spine alignment to assist in rehabilitation or to build a good overall strength base.

Physio-Led Mat Work Exercise – Intermediate

Physio led class to take your matwork and movement awareness to the next level.

Physio-Led Equipment – Reformer

Physio led reformer class using spring-loaded equipment to achieve an all over workout targeted to your individual needs.

Gentle Exercise Classes

Stronger For Longer

An over 60’s class, led by an exercise physiologist for strength, balance and cardiovascular health.

Low Intensity

Strength, balance, cardio and core exercises – performed at your own pace under careful supervision.

Lungs in Action

Specifically designed for those with lung or heart conditions – tailored to your individual needs. Referral needed for entry to this class. NOTE: our Lungs in Action offering is currently 'on hold' due to COVID restrictions.


Water-based physiotherapy rehabilitation class, utilising the low weight-bearing benefits of movement/exercise in water.


Rehabilitation Classes

Semi-supervised Gym Session with Physio support

A small-scale, clinical exercise session for individualised rehabilitation supervised by your physiotherapist.


Water-based physiotherapy rehabilitation class, utilising the low weight-bearing benefits of movement/exercise in water.
