…Without wanting to quit after 3 weeks!

girl smiling on elyptical

1. Your plan

Your environment

Your coach

1. Your plan:

TIP: Frequency, before volume, before intensity

  • Begin by doing more frequent exercise eg 4x per week instead of once per week. This decreases the risk of injury and is easier to maintain.
  • Then increase the time you exercise for – increase the volume. Don’t make it harder, just go for longer – that will be hard enough.
  • Then you can increase how hard you work in a session, the intensity. We use a ‘rate of perceived exertion’ scale (RPE). You can’t work for very long at a 10/10 RPE! Increasing your RPE increases risk of injury and putting the expectation on yourself that every time you exercise it has to be hard can decrease your motivation to exercise. So start easy and work up to going hard!

2. Your environment:

TIP: Train where you want to train.

  • If you don’t enjoy where you are going to train, it’s less likely you’ll want to train!
  • Try and find a place that suits you.
  • We suggest an outdoor area or a place with a view to outdoors.
  • A place that doesn’t make you feel inadequate or self conscious is important.
  • An environment that is not overly competitive, not intimidating and spacious will help you feel comfortable to participate in exercise.

3. Your coach:

TIP: Your training has to be safe and make sense to you.

It needs to be safe, but get the result. Choosing a university trained exercise professional, or a very experienced coach is a great place to start. It’s good to know you can have a laugh but still get serious with your trainer or coach. You can be your own coach if you’re motivated enough! If you choose a specific person or place, make sure they know your goals, so they can direct you specifically towards them.

Learn more about our exercise physiology and coaching team: Michelle Wytenburg and Aaron Pateman

If you wish to make an appointment to with our exercise physiology or coaching team – contact us on 6646 3766.